*30 Agents of Bramption for JOB*
1 24-7 HR Solution
905 790 8367
2 A2Z Workforce Inc:
(905)-457-1333 www.a2zworkforce.com
3 Access Career solution Inc
905 866 6616 www.accesscareers.com
4 Account Temps
905 595 0696
5 Adecco Peel
905 595 4094
6 Advantage Personnel Ltd
905 455 8418
7 Aerotek Inc
289 748 2302
-8 the agency staffing service
905 450 3072
9 Apple one
905 453 8000
10 Armor people link
905 567 6855 www.armorpeoplelink.com
11 Carmeron consulting Group
905 799 6080
12 The Central group personnel
905 678 2224 www.thecentralgroup.ca
13 Discover staffing Solution
905 458 0101
14 Dynamics Employment Solutions 905 796 3300
15 Empire staffing services Inc
416 548 7409
16 The Employer’s choice Inc;
905 874 1035
17 Endeavour personnel
905 457 3074 www.endeavourpersonnel.com
18 Help unlimited
905 452 0995
19 Impact personnel services Inc
905 790 9265 www.impactpersonnel.ca
20 Labour unlimited
905 453 6400 www.labourunlimited.com
21 Nova staffing Inc
905 796 3300
22 Nu-way personnel
905 455 6621
23 Office Team
905 595 0700
24 perfect support Inc
905 796 7612
25 Quality personnel
905 792 0088
26 Randstad
905 799 9972
27 Shahbaz Employment agency
905 789 9961
28 star personnel Inc
905 495 7240
29 TrusCo staffing
905 459 6556 www.truscostaffing.com
30 Universal staffing Inc
905 455 4700
*Ontario Public Service Careers – Summer Employment Opportunities*
Employment agency contact No.
+16475445695 Anchal simplex employment
+19056704700 Acess D agency
+14167361313 Always clean / Premium agency
+15143336608 Amy resources agency
+14167446767 Capital job link
+19058979675 Career 1 agency
+16478196751 Career 1 agency Mississauga
+13472294901 Elite resources
+13472294901 Employment agency
+15142274640 Fuze HR agency
+16473329000 Global employment
+916477485399 Ideal job
+19054978562 B.O.S.S agency
+16472975627 Jobs for you
+1647613-6554 Jobs for you
+19054556621 Nuway agency
+14372268636 Precision staffing agency
+14167367474 Premium agency
+19054543333 Prodigy agency
+14389927625 Proman agency Montreal
+14377794727 Agency (suman)
+19056730109 Talent connect work
+16472875204 Ontime agency (Umair)
+14166177281 TD employment agency (Vinkal)
+914167403319 Vision staffing
+16475306478 work agency solution
+14167414611 Youth employment agency
+14373335789 G & B employment
+16477024844 G & B employment
+19059562555 G & B employment
+14162990789 Great connection
+14167398061 Job alliance employment
+19057639543 HD employment
+4167488182 Mission employment
+16476950877 Perfect choice
+19054973570 Star employment
+19054531010 Velox employment
+14377708445 Workway employment
+14168461132 YMCA employment center (Albion)
+14162755864 YMCA employment center (Albion)
+16473492000 Zone employment
+1 (416) 807-6461 Dee zone Harpreet
+1 (647) 546-7800 (Hinal shah)
+1 (416) 675-2288 access
+1 (647) 549-5545 janitor cleaners Orangeville
+1 (647) 973-4110 Royal agency
+1 (226) 504-8043 arrowar
Employment agency contacts*
Anchal simplex +16475445695
Acess D agency +19056704700
Always clean/Premium +14167361313
Amy resources +15143336608
access +1 (416) 675-2288
arrowar +1 (226) 504-8043
arrowar +14165484157
B.O.S.S +19054978562
Capital job link +14167446767
Career 1 +19058979675
Career1 Mississauga +16478196751
Dee zone Harpreet +1 (416) 807-6461
Elite resources +13472294901
Employment +13472294901
Fuze HR agency +15142274640
Global employment +16473329000
G & B employment +14373335789
G & B employment +16477024844
G & B employment +19059562555
Great connection +14162990789
HD employment +19057639543
Hinal shah +1 (647) 546-7800
Ideal job +916477485399
janitor cleaners Orangeville +1 (647) 549-5545
Jobs for you +16472975627
Jobs for you +1647613-6554
Job alliance +14167398061
Mission employment +4167488182
Nuway agency +19054556621
Ontime (Umair) +16472875204
Perfect choice +16476950877
Precision staffing +14372268636
Premium +14167367474
Prodigy +19054543333
Proman Montreal +14389927625
Royal agency +1 (647) 973-4110
Star employment +19054973570
SUMAN Agency +14377794727
Talent connect work +19056730109
TD (Vinkal) +14166177281
Vision staffing +914167403319
Velox employment +19054531010
Workway employment +14377708445
work solution +16475306478
Youth employment +14167414611
YMCA center (Albion) +14168461132
YMCA center (Albion) +14162755864
Zone employment +16473492000
34 *Agents of GTA for JOB*
*Employment agencies contact No’s forwarded by someone in GTA.*
1 Breakawayyy +1 (905) 564-7642
2 Brampton agency
+1 (905) 45-8481
3 Career1 +1 (905) 897-9675
4 CASH +1 (905) 897-9675
5 Cash work +1 (647) 832-5204
6 Employal Employment
+1 (905) 564-7665
7 Fuze HR +1 (905) 361-3987
8 Fasttrack +1 (647) 768-4648
9 Give N Go Manpower
+1 (905) 766-9556
10 HRG Employment
+1 (905) 499-2966
11 IS2 Sonal +1 (905) 821-3020
12 Lumidia Agency
+1 (905) 459-7915
13 Mustang +1 (905) 789-1842
14 Milton Work +1 (647) 540-1201
15 Nexus +1 (905) 670-0091
16 Nonika Medolink
+ (647) 444-1299
17 Pathfinder +1 (647) 660-1508
18 People Store Jobs
+(905) 277-4455
19 PART TIME +1 (905) 869-5711
20 Pivotal +1 (289) 562-0201
21 Ppl Store Choc
+1 (289) 327-2605
22 Pro Value +1 (905) 604-7660
23 Prodigy +1 (905) 454-3333
24 Royal Employment
+ (416) 741-6669
25 Staff Plus +1 (905) 457-7587
26 Universal Staffing
+ (905) 455-3922
27 Sunrise +1 (905) 602-9705
28 Sabreen Career1
+ (905) 965-2761
29 TRG staffing +1 (416) 816-8421
30 Team Global
+ 1 (647) 300-9002
31 Veronika +1 (289) 682-1708
32 Y8hr +1 (647) 539-7183
33 ZARA +1 (416) 986-6601
34 Zone Employment
+1 (416) 659-8569
*22 Agents of Scarbough for JOB*
1 Staff Plus 417 950 0900
2 Advantages Personnel
416 288 0368
3 Global HR 416 285 6858
4 Direct staffing 416 759 1500
5 Trebor Personnel
416 750 4291
6 People Store 416 238 6769
7 Labour Ready 416 750 4437
8 Freedom staffing
416 494 7581
9 Man Power 416 510 1211
10 Arrow professional
416 754 0009
11 Pals staffing 416 431 7788
12 Great connection
647 860 3954
13 Express Employment
416 590 9948
14 Select Employment
416 751 0777
15 Addeco 416 296 0822
16 Appleone 416 750 4718
17 A&T Manpower
416 431 0644
18 Canstaff 416 298 9444
19 KAS Personnel
905 743 9930
20 Quantim management
416 292 2282
21 Affordable Personnel
905 761 0413
22 Pro Temporary Help
416 291 3360