Memoryq Web Hosting
Memoryq Web Hosting is a Canadian Incorporated hosting company based in Toronto. The North America hosting Company has its servers at Amanah Tech which provides businesses with reliable and affordable dedicated servers and colocation services located at the Heart of Toronto. Memoryq Web Hosting is operated my Mkarimu Media Inc. IT division with 99% uptime.
Memoryq Web Hosting offers Dedicated Virtual Server VPSs, Reseller Accounts and Shared accounts with capacity to run any service from streaming to simple websites. Any order comes with 1Gbps speed allowing any server requests. Memory’s base Processors is an Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 (Quad Core) for sites and above for dedicated servers.
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Web server

Memoryq uses Apache server 2.4 as the default webserver, the most commonly used Web server on Linux systems. Other Webserver can be installed as per order.
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